Sunday, April 5, 2020

..."And Then She Wept" Contempoprary Still-Life Oil paintings by Paula peacock

"...And Then She Wept"
by Paula Peacock
Oil on Eucalyptus on Birch
18" x 24"
I did this painting after being contacted by a non-profit who wanted an image for their website representing the fight against domestic abuse against women and children. "..And Then She Wept" brings awareness to women being abused physically, emotionally, sexually, mentally with the violence spreading to the children. She is trapped in a relationship knowing that it hurts to stay in & would hurt to get out of. She is broken in mind, body, & spirit & has grown too weak to protect her children.
The painting was on their website for many years. If you know of someone in such a relationship don't stand idly by. Contact the authorities and put the situation on their radar. For purchasing info contact Paula HERE. See more of my work HERE

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