Friday, October 3, 2014

“Song of Hope”, Original Mixed Media Art by Colorado Artist, Donna L. Martin

"Song of Hope"

Hope is the thing with feathers 
That perches in the soul, 
And sings the tune without the words, 
And never stops at all, 
And sweetest in the gale is heard;         
And sore must be the storm 
That could abash the little bird 
That kept so many warm.

     –from "Hope is the Thing with Feathers
" by Emily Dickinson
I love this little poem from Emily Dickinson.  It reminds me to listen to that still, small voice in my soul that tells me to never give up.  Sometimes we just have to be still and listen for it.
This is a little mixed media bird that I created with molding paste, painted paper, stencils, and tree bark.  The original is sold, but commissions are welcome. 
Please feel free to email me with questions or comments:
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