Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"Sunny Day" mixed media tree collage landscape by Carol Nelson

"Sunny Day" 5x7 mixed media on panel
I did this tree demo for some students studying with me privately in my studio here in Colorado.  Students love doing these tree collages, and, happily, most are successful in creating a great painting.

The unusual thing about this one, is that I based it on a Hansa Yellow Medium under painting.  I hardly ever use Hansa Yellow by itself unless I'm painting daffodils - it's just SO BRIGHT.  It's also somewhat opaque.

My favorite yellow is made by thinning Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold.  (I'm referring to Golden Fluid Acrylics here.)  The Nickel Azo yellow is much warmer and just works better for me most of the time.

Being a primary yellow, it is very bright and cheerful, and who doesn't want bright and cheerful these days?

For more information about this painting, click here to go to my website.

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