Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"New Beginnings", Original Mixed Media Painting by Donna L. Martin

"New Beginnings"

This painting is finally done!  It's amazing how I literally obsessed over this one.  I couldn't wait to come home and work on it.  I was amazed at every layer and how it was almost painting itself.  Event the colors are not typical of what I normally use.  

Both of the substrates (cradle boards) started out with a muted gray background with a bright orange stencil over the top.  I began adding layers of paint and paper.  Then I figured out that I needed to put a Mama bird and a little bird's nest into the composition.  I used stencils and molding paste to give it a raised texture.  Added more paper, paint, and glass bead gel.

In the time I was working on these, I thought about how our lives so quickly change.  I remembered my kids when they were babies and now they have babies of their own.  It's pretty incredible, the twists and turns our lives take and how fast time really goes. We never expect the unexpected.  But when something happens that completely rocks our world - in a good or in a bad way - change is inevitable.  During the final completion of this painting, I kept hearing the words "New Beginnings" whispering in my ear, so I added those words.  I finished it off with an antique door plate and skeleton key anchored by a completely "brand new" door knob that I found.  I grounded these elements together by placing them in a composition on a very old piece of wood and anchored the paintings on each side.  

When I painted this, I was wondering who I was painting it for...what is happening in their life and why will they be drawn to this painting.  I painted it in wonder and anticipation.  I think it's a beautiful reminder of how we can keep and treasure the old, but still be open and willing to accept the new. Keep your memories and treasure them in your heart, but also open your heart to accept new memories and experiences.  Always be open to "New Beginnings".

This piece measures 29.5 X 12.  It is finished with a beautiful, shiny coating and comes ready to hang.  If you are interested in purchasing or have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at:

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Donna L. Martin Fine Art    

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